Opera blog post Web development

SVG Image and Background Image Replacer

It’s here! A working version of the SVG image replacement script.


This script substitutes specified images and background images with SVG images for web browsers that support them. This makes it perfect for anyone who would like to start using SVG for their site design, but wants to make sure it will look okay for browsers that do not yet support it.


  • Future-proof – Checks for actual support, no browser sniffing
  • Unobtrusive – Only affects browsers with support, uses fallback content without support or if javascript is disabled
  • Simple to use – Just include one javascript file to your pages and use the appropriate image names
  • Small file – Only 1.8 KB!
Opera blog post Web development

Web Standards, the real Flash killer

There’s changes in the wind in the world of visual web technologies, and they show a beautiful future for what might soon (and to some degree now) be possible with the use of web standards.

Specifically, I’m talking about web alternatives to that ever popular Adobe Flash plug-in. Note that I won’t be talking about Microsoft’s Silverlight here, since it has many of the same shortcomings as Flash does.

There seem to be three major ways Flash is being used today: For online videos, as a web page interface, and for web-based games. Upcoming standards being developed and implemented for each of these uses.

Geeky Opera blog post

Browser selection in Windows Installer

As a result of Opera’s antitrust complaint against Microsoft, I started thinking about how Microsoft might allow a selection of web browsers for Windows.
Then, I made this mockup image: