Web development

Why IE9 will support SVG

UPDATE: More reasons added thanks to promising news

After putting some thought it in, I believe there’s a very good chance that IE9 will include native SVG support. Here’s my reasoning:

  1. The EU’s pressure on MS to support more standards in IE.
  2. There’s few other really stable specifications left unsupported in IE8.
  3. SVG Web library should increase SVG usage on web, more usage means more reason for MS to support it.
  4. With SVG Web around, any potential competition with Silverlight should be a non-issue.
  5. [September 19] Microsoft becomes a sponsor of SVG Open 2009. Several IE members are seen attending panels.
  6. [November 12] Microsoft sends their first email to the public SVG working group mailing list

What do you think?

Web development

SVG Update

SVG logo
I’m a big fan of SVG, and have in the past worked on several projects involving the format. I haven’t really done anything with it recently though, but there’s been important developments recently that I feel really deserve mentioning.


SVG Web – Is a brand new work-in-progress but highly advanced JavaScript library that provides support for SVG in Internet Explorer (using Flash).

This is especially nice because getting SVG to show in IE before required users to either install the (no longer supported) Adobe plug-in, or to render it as another graphic file. No more! Since so many people already have Flash, it’s a great way to bring SVG to the masses.

The other advantage to this is that more SVG on the web will encourage Microsoft to support it natively in IE9, since one of their arguments for not supporting it has been that it’s not prevalent enough. Native support may also mean SVG-in-CSS support, which is something else I’m a big fan of and which can unfortunately not be emulated using the SVG Web library.


Anyone that has created an SVG file using GUI software and then opened the file in a text editor will have noticed large amounts of redundant data. The data makes sense for the editor, but is really wasteful when you want to use the file on the web.

Enter Jeff Schiller‘s Scour. This Python script parses SVG files, removes all unnecessary data, and leaves a nice, clean, minimal file that looks exactly the same as the original. If you’ve used “Save for web” in Photoshop before, you get the idea.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your Inkscape, design a masterpiece, Scour it, SVG-Web it, and share your vectory goodness with the world!

Web development

When can I use…by spec status!

An update to the “When can I use” page, now you can filter by spec status. This is helpful to only see support for full W3 recommendations, mostly stable specs, features still in flux or completely unofficial features.

I find it interesting to see that with IE8 Microsoft has focused largely on improving items under “candidate recommendation” status (primarily CSS 2.1), whereas most full recommendations (XHTML, SVG, MathML) get ignored. Working draft features seem to only be added when the spec is pretty clear cut, such as the querySelector one.

Web development

Direct URLs to browser support table selections

The “When can I use…” page now makes URLs based on selections. For example, I made the following links:

Just selecting the options at the top of the page will immediately generate the URL.