Geeky Opera blog post

Operanoid Widget

I’m happy to report that the Operanoid game is now also available as widget.

The gameplay is basically the same as for the DS version, except you use the mouse to move the paddle. The widget also features a minimize button and a spiffy logo. I know, just what you’ve been waiting for.


2 replies on “Operanoid Widget”

Thanks a lot for nice game;)
I really like this type of game;)
I just wanna ask if there is some possibility how to save the score… Or if you are going to make some more levels…? It would be very appreciated;)

Thanks;) Michal

P.S.: If you will have some tips and willing to send them to me here is my mail: michal.brom”@”

Thanks a lot again;)

hey there!
Nice game, even though the grafics know what i mean 😉

I just had one problem after playing for some minutes:
Hit the ball in such an angle, that it just went left and right all the time, without moving up at all. That ment the game was stucked in a loop. Nothing left I could do about it…

Guess you should fix that one ;D
