Half-Life stuff

Well, okay, this doesn't really come after "the beginning", but I'll fill in those blank years later.

Half-Life's been one of my favorite games since I've gotten it, and I've also enjoyed making customizations for it, like maps and models.

It was mapping that I started with, I'd had some experience with by having made Doom maps in the past (oh, right, suppose I should add them somewhere too...), so I had a bit of an idea of what I was doing...

As for the models, I started on this later...probably first to make Star Trek characters for the Ten Forward map.


Name: tenfwd.bsp (zipped)
Created: 23-Apr-2000
Size: 641K

Ten Forward

Sound familiar? Yes, my first map was indeed of the lounge aboard the Enterprise-D in Star Trek - The Next Generation, inspired by, obviously, the Ten Forward Chatroom. Because the people I'd talk to and play against were also from there, it seemed like fun to make it, rather than it making an ideal Half-Life map. Because it doesn't.

It's got a bunch of movable and breakable tables and chairs in it, and together with other more detailed elements, it all runs a little slow in a deathmatch. You can go to the left and right sides of the room (at the front) hide behind the bar, or go through the doors to be blown into the vaccuum of space (nope, no rest of the ship there) and that's about it.

Nevertheless, I'm quite proud I got it looking the way it does, and we've had some fun playing it.


Name: corvette.bsp (zipped)
Created: 21-May-2000
Size: 350K

Corellian Corvette

Well...yeah, okay, never quite completed this...This is the interior of a Corellian Corvette, that very first ship you see in Star Wars. As you see I prefer remaking fictional places as opposed to making up my own...I'd found this drawing of the interior of the Corvette and thought it'd be neat to do...so I did.

It consists of a few corridors, one of them being the place where Leia inserts the Death Star plans into R2-D2. You remember.


Name: loadup.bsp (zipped)
Created: 7-Jun-2000
Size: 88K

The Matrix loading area

Not really a map to play in...in fact, I'm not quite sure what I was thinking when I made this...but you're in a white room and large racks full of guns storm in your direction. And, that's it.


Name: jbod.bsp (zipped)
Created: 10-Jun-2000
Size: 16K

JKAD's Box Of Death

Or so it was called by someone who once played it...this isn't a serious map, it's just one tiny square room which I made to test skins with (by easily dying and finding my corpse again).


Name: simpsons.bsp (N/A)
Created: under construction
Size: Big!

Simpsons House

In continuing development, it's about half complete now, with basic house lay-out done and waiting for detailing of rooms. Which will just make things slower, but that's what you get. I hope it to be at least more fun to play than the Ten Forward map is.

Because I'm working on it now, I don't quite feel it's worth uploading already.


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