
Lemmings (original)

Codes & Level info
-Amiga / PC / Mac / Atari / 3do
-Sega Genesis / Megadrive
-Master System / Game Gear
-Commodore 64


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Codes & Level info
-Amiga / PC / Mac / Atari / 3do

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Lemmings codes for Sega Genesis and Sega Megadrive

Fun | Tricky | Taxing | Mayhem | Present | Sunsoft

Here they are, all 180 level codes, for the original Lemmings on the Sega Genesis and Megadrive (both versions are exactly the same except for the codes). Just hover your cursor over the level image to see it in full size and including more level stats. Please be patient while all images load.

All "special" levels have been marked in yellow, each level that requires 100% to save is in red and all levels that did not appear in the Amiga/PC version are in cyan. This way if you happen to have multiple versions of Lemmings you can which levels you haven't played yet. Note that the Present and Sunsoft levels never appeared in the Amiga version.



GEN Code


MD Code


To save

1 (none) (none) Just dig! 1/10 (10%)
2 QWKYN WQHMN Only floaters can survive this 1/10 (10%)
3 NDDTD TXBGD Tailor-made for blockers 5/50 (10%)
4 SWKYN YQHMN Now use miners and climbers 10/10 (100%)
5 FTDVM LNBJM You need bashers this time 5/50 (10%)
6 KMKBX QGHPW A task for blockers and bombers 10/50 (20%)
7 HTDVM NNBJM Builders will help you here 25/50 (50%)
8 MMKBX SGHPW Not as complicated as it looks 95/100 (95%)
9 VDDTD BYBGD As long as you try your best 90/100 (90%)
10 ZWKYN GRHMN 5 miles if you love Lemmings 10/20 (50%)
11 XDDTD DYBGD Keep your hair on Mr.Lemming 50/60 (83%)
12 CXKYN JRHMN Patience 40/80 (50%)
13 PTDVM VNBJM We all fall down 20/20 (100%)
14 TMKBX ZGHPW Room with no exit 100/100 (100%)
15 RTDVM XNBJM Tea time in the ball country 14/20 (70%)
16 WMKBX CHHPW Take a little rest. 40/50 (80%)
17 VHDVD BCBJD Easy when you know how 20/50 (40%)
18 ZZKZN GVHNN Let's block and blow 50/70 (77%)
19 XHDVD DCBJD Catch more floaters. 9/10 (90%)
20 CBKBP JVHNN We are now at lemcon one 30/50 (60%)
21 PKDWM VRBKM Lemmings in the attic 80/100 (80%)
22 TQKCX ZKHQW A Beast of a level 80/100 (80%)
23 RXDWM XRBKM Under construction 35/50 (70%)
24 WQKCX CLHQW Konbanwa Lemming san 20/30 (66%)
25 FJDVD LCBJD Lemmings Lemmings everywhere 50/100 (50%)
26 KBKBP QVHNN The Great Lemming Caper 2/2 (100%)
27 HJDVD NCBJD Let's be careful out there 25/50 (50%)
28 MBKBP SVHNN If only they could fly 60/100 (60%)
29 YXDWM FSBKM Dark dawn 70/100 (70%)
30 DRKCX KLHQW Lock up your Lemmings 40/60 (66%)

Fun | Tricky | Taxing | Mayhem | Present | Sunsoft



GEN Code


MD Code


To save

1 YTDYD FPBMD We all fall down 40/40 (100%)
2 MSJXX XMJWF A ladder would be handy 40/80 (50%)
3 XFDWF DZBJF Lemmingology 4/5 (80%)
4 TSJXX WXJSG The ascending pillar scenario 55/75 (73%)
5 TVDXN ZPBLN Lemming sanctuary in sight 60/100 (60%)
6 HMKZG SNJVP Lemming in the attic 42/50 (84%)
7 SYDXN YSBLN Bitter Lemming 40/50 (80%)
8 PMKZG RRJVP Lemming Drops 70/100 (70%)
9 LKDWF RDBKF Where do you see Lemmings? 48/50 (96%)
10 DMKPB KCJTG Keep Step 49/50 (98%)
11 PYDMJ VSBZH Let's go to the moon! 15/30 (50%)
12 LMKPB NRJKK Go out for a walk? 25/50 (50%)
13 LPDPR RJBCR Salvage boat 30/30 (100%)
14 YFKRK KHJMS MENACING !! 40/80 (50%)
15 KSDPR QMBCR Ozone Friendly Lemmings 6/10 (60%)
16 GGKRK JLJMS Lovely jubilee 40/50 (80%)
17 SGDPJ YZBBJ Diet Lemmingaid 48/50 (96%)
18 GFKNC RYJLK It's Lemmingentry Watson 9/10 (90%)
19 RRDLK XLBYJ Postcard from Lemmingland 50/50 (100%)
20 NFKNC QKJJL One way digging to freedom 95/100 (95%)
21 NHDNS TBBBS Don't leave any Lemmings 25/50 (50%)
22 BYKPL MZJKT Turn around young Lemmings! 90/100 (90%)
23 MLDNS SFBBS From the Boundary Line 60/100 (60%)
24 JYKPL LDJLT Tightrope City 75/80 (93%)
25 FWDLK LQBYJ Cascade 10/100 (10%)
26 XJJCX DPJJL I have a cunning plan 100/100 (100%)
27 JWDZD PQBND Everyone turn left 60/60 (100%)
28 FKJCX HPJXF Lost something? 90/100 (90%)
29 FMDCN LGBQM Konnichiwa Lemming san 100/100 (100%)
30 SCKFG DFJZN Don't follow me. 10/10 (100%)

Fun | Tricky | Taxing | Mayhem | Present | Sunsoft



GEN Code


MD Code


To save

1 YFDTD FZBMD The bridge is breaking down. 50/50 (100%)
2 ZJKWP GDHKP Temporary peace 50/100 (50%)
3 CRDQF JLBDF No choice but to follow them 80/80 (100%)
4 DNKWP KHHKP Lend a helping hand.... 30/40 (75%)
5 VKDSN BFBGN The Prison! 45/60 (75%)
6 BSLPB HMJCB Compression Method 1 30/50 (60%)
7 DZDJR KTBWQ Jump down! 100/100 (100%)
8 FWLPB LQJCB Lemmings search for treasure. 50/50 (100%)
9 SNDHJ YHBVH Perseverance 20/20 (100%)
10 TRKKT ZLHXS Izzie Wizzie Lemmings get busy 5/5 (100%)
11 WYDDK CTBRJ The ascending pillar scenario 50/50 (100%)
12 XVKKT DQHXS Livin' on the Edge 8/10 (80%)
13 PSDGS VMBTR Walk through here but cautiously 48/50 (96%)
14 VLKBX BGHPW Value each moment 48/50 (96%)
15 XSDVM   DNBJM What an AWESOME level 80/100 (80%)
16 YPKBX FKHPW Umbrella Land. 97/100 (97%)
17 CLDVD JFBJD Lunch time 40/50 (90%)
18 DPKXP KJHLP Tribute to M.C. Escher. 65/75 (86%)
19 GWDRF MQBFF Bomboozal 64/70 (91%)
20 HSKXP NMHLP Fall and no life. 85/85 (100%)
21 YPDTN FKBHN Feel the heat! 20/20 (100%)
22 FXLQB LRJDB Come on over to my place 50/50 (100%)
23 HFDLR NYBXQ King of the castle 95/100 (95%)
24 JBLRB PVJDB Keep all enemies out. 20/20 (100%)
25 WSDJJ CNBWH Watch right and left! 79/80 (98%)
26 XWKLT DRHYS Triple Trouble 99/100 (99%)
27 ZDDGK BYBSJ Watch your fingertip! 49/50 (98%)
28 BBKMT HVHYS Watch right or left! 28/30 (93%)
29 SXDHS YRBVR How do I dig out a path? 95/100 (95%)
30 FXKFX LRHSW We all fall down 60/60 (100%)

Fun | Tricky | Taxing | Mayhem | Present | Sunsoft



GEN Code


MD Code


To save

1 MWDYD SQBMD Let's get together. 50/50 (100%)
2 FVJXX HZJSG The Boiler Room 90/100 (90%)
3 MLDWF SFBKF It's hero time! 30/30 (100%)
4 KNKPB QDJTG The Crossroads 100/100 (100%)
5 PQDPR VKBCR Down,along,up,in that order 60/80 (75%)
6 HHKRK   KMJMS Over the wall 47/50 (94%)
7 PFDMS VYBYR Poles Apart 45/50 (90%)
8 HWKNL SXJJT Last one out is a rotten egg! 90/100 (90%)
9 JTDKK PNBXJ Twins 2/2 (100%)
10 GHJBX JMJWF Dangerous balcony 80/80 (100%)
11 NXDYD TRBMD We all fall down 80/80 (100%)
12 GWJXX RQJWF The Other Side. 75/75 (100%)
13 LYDXN RSBLN The Great Lemming Caper 2/2 (100%)
14 DQKZG GVSVP Climb and fall. Fall and climb. 42/50 (84%)
15 QRDPR WLBCR Two ponds 60/60 (100%)
16 JJKRK TKSMS Just a Minute... 50/50 (100%)
17 ZJDPJ GDBCV Stepping Stones 70/80 (87%)
18 SHKNC VMJJL Two different worlds 49/50 (98%)
19 ZXDLK GSBYJ Time to get up! 46/50 (92%)
20 DSJFX DRJJL  No added colors or Lemmings 50/50 (100%)
21 JVDFN PPBSM With a twist of Lemming, please. 50/50 (100%)
22 BMKHG DRSLP A BeastII of a level 85/100 (85%)
23 JKDCP PDBQN A group of entrances 48/50 (96%)
24 BBKFH MCJZP All or Nothing 50/50 (100%)
25 CYDZF JSBNF Have a nice day! 90/100 (90%)
26 ZZKSB CGJPK Lemming eater 50/50 (100%)
27 HRDRJ NLBFJ Just a Minute (Part Two) 50/50 (100%)
28 ZPKQC LKJPK Leftovers are not always a waste 44/50 (88%)
29 FSDQS LMBDS No hurry. Relax. 83/100 (83%)
30 XJKSL ZNJNT Lemmings' Ark 50/50 (100%)

Fun | Tricky | Taxing | Mayhem | Present | Sunsoft



GEN Code


MD Code


To save

1 NZGJW GHTMD Natural life 49/50 (98%)
2 TDNMH ZXLYG Don't leave my Lemmings. 40/50 (80%)
3 SPGGX YJDTW Let me get out of here! 50/50 (100%)
4 DXNCL KRLQK Lemmings standing on the earth 72/80 (90%)
5 RXHYJ XRFMJ Darkness of the royal family 40/50 (80%)
6 XBNCV DWLPT No time for a detour 98/100 (98%)
7 WMHWK CHFKK Everyone turn Left! 99/100 (99%)
8 HGNRP   NZLDP Libra (Part two) 50/50 (100%)
9 RBGKW XVDWV Fix the road, quick! 44/50 (88%)
10 XFNMH DZLYG Where are you heading? 72/80 (90%)
11 WQGGX CLDTW Field athletics 80/80 (100%)
12 HYNCL NSLQK Balance beam 50/50 (100%)
13 VYHYJ BTFMJ Watch your step 50/50 (100%)
14 BDNCV HXLPT Like an overflowing wave 50/50 (100%)
15 ZNHWK GJFKK Evil whisper 50/50 (100%)
16 RNNTP XHLHP A Trap is a trap. 10/100 (10%)
17 RMGNW XGDBW Electric circuit 100/100 (100%)
18 XQNQH DLLDH King of Lemmings 80/80 (100%)
19 WBGLX CHDXW Acrophobia 99/100 (99%)
20 HKNHL NDLVK Lemmings-preying iron plate 80/100 (80%)
21 VKHDK BFFRJ Use your brain better. 50/50 (100%)
22 BPNGV HJLTT None title 40/50 (90%)
23 ZYHZK GTFNK Precarious oasis 50/50 (100%)
24 LSNVP RMLJP Everyone's a hard nut. 3/3 (100%)
25 VNGNW BJDBW Underground city 60/60 (100%)
26 BSNQH HMLDH Pitfall 50/50 (100%)
27 ZGGLX GXDXW Try anything once. 49/50 (98%)
28 LLNHL RFLVK Which one are you trying to get? 30/30 (100%)
29 YLHDK FGFRJ Private room available 20/20 (100%)
30 FQNGV LKLTT Final impediment 100/100 (100%)

Fun | Tricky | Taxing | Mayhem | Present | Sunsoft



GEN Code


MD Code


To save

HLDCW Rules to Fall 10/20 (50%)
2 QSMNQ BVLJY Inside the bone 50/50 (100%)
3 HVHCB NPDQZ Anxiety 60/60 (100%)
4 FMMFT HRMZB Train your body 10/10 (100%)
5 GZHBL MTFPK Watch your step 49/50 (98%)
6 ZQMSX GWMYL Libra 48/60 (80%)
7 MHHRF SBFFF Everyone turn left (Part two) 10/10 (100%)
8 KGMQY MLMLH Is this a circus? 10/10 (100%)
9 HHGMX NBDZW  Evacuating a coal mine 100/100 (100%)
10 BNMFT MPMZB Spiral staircase 98/100 (98%)
11 NLHZB TFFNB Turn around and look. 45/50 (90%)
12 LCMCV NHMXC Water processing plant 49/50 (98%)
13 XLHTF DFFHF  Doomsday 40/50 (90%)
14 MNMSY XHMRG No world without you 2/2 (100%)
15 YDHRG FYFDG Exodus! 50/50 (100%)
16 BHNKC DMMFL Here is Mr.Lemming's house 40/50 (80%)
17 PLHHB VFDVZ  Cave quest 10/10 (100%)
18 DNMGV PPMBD SUNSOFT Special 48/60 (80%)
19 VZGSW BVDGW Let's go camping. 3/3 (100%)
20 SRMVP VWLQX Haunted botanical garden 59/60 (98%)
21 TFHSG ZYFFG Be sure to be a builder. 25/25 (100%)
22 NLNLC TBMQH Watch right or left (Part two) 46/50 (92%)
23 ZBHKK GWFWJ Move on in two seperate groups. 50/50 (100%)
24 XZNHD ZFMDM Out, away from the tune 49/50 (98%)
25 VBHFC BWFRB  Stray sheep 80/100 (80%)
26 CTMRP XYLNX Just a minute (Part Three) 100/100 (100%)
27 PRGMX FQDBX Two heads are better... 1/4 (25%)
28 MJMPQ YRLLY No gate trap Lemmings. 100/100 (100%)
29 SZHFK JYFTJ I am A.T. 80/100 (80%)
30 HCNFD CBMFL Fall and no life (Part Two) 50/50 (100%)

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