School stuff - Page 2

Misc. files

Name: al.swf
(on html page)
Created: 6-Oct-2001
Size: 10K

Page intro

Considering how I usually enjoy basing my creativity on something already been made by someone else, I thought I might just try making some kind of logo for myself. ALexistence seemed like a cool new name, so I ended up making a useless little main image for my page.

It got the sub-title "Don't innovate, imitate", in an imitation and reversion of the original slogan that was just the other way around. The irony being that with this I was trying to be innovative in the first place. Ah well.


Name: baby.swf
(on html page)
Created: 23-Oct-2001
Size: 70K

Dynabed 3000 presentation

This is the presentation I made demonstrating how our futuristically-designed baby-bed control was going to work. Nothing we were actually going to physically build though, just to design. It was a fun way to use my Flash skills for something of importance for a change, and I'm happy to say my fellow project-mates were equally pleased with it.

One of the best features of this program is the "all sound off" button, which you'll notice will come in handy once the baby's wailing starts to repeat itself...


Name: shooter.exe (zipped)
Created: 6-June-2001
Size: 1,730K


Director. Certainly not my favorite program to work with, especially after having been used to Flash for several years. But, it's what we had to learn to use in one of our classes, and the end project was making a little game in which to shoot moving objects.

My version has a TIE fighter fly across the screen that you get to shoot...not too impressive, but it's kinda cute.


Name: flashcapsule.exe (zipped)
Created: 17-Aug-2001
Size: 303K

Flash capsule

Yay, Flash again! In this case it's some kind of time version shows the DeLorean from Back to the Future, with an intro from good ol' Doc. Changing gears lets you cycle through different objects, and turning the wheel lets you travel through three different time periods, showing what these objects looked like then.

I was planning to have about 5 different things, but was limited to only three due to hard drive problems...luckily I managed to create what I did in time, and was quite happy with the result.



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